
All around GG电子官方软件下载’s campus you’ll find faculty 和 students engaged in exciting, 有意义的研究和奖学金.

主要有三种类型的研究 & GG电子官方软件下载提供奖学金

1. 学院奖学金


GG电子官方软件下载的教员追求严谨, in-depth research 和 study as an integral part of their faculty role.

Examples of recent faculty scholarship include:

  • 手掌Alvarez-Blanco
    Pequeño tratado de amistad. 再见política敬上. Cantabria: Editorial La Vorágine, 2023.
  • 拉里•库珀
    梦想正义,觉醒智慧. 芝加哥大学出版社,2023年.
  • 韦斯Markofski
    Good 新闻 For Common Goods: Multicultural Evangelicalism 和 Ethical Democracy in America. 牛津大学出版社,2023.
  • 乔治Vrtis
    沃提斯,乔治和克里斯·威尔斯. Nature’s Crossroads: The Twin Cities 和 Greater Minnesota. 匹兹堡大学出版社,2023年.
  • 黛博拉阿普曼
    文学与新文化战争. 诺顿专业书籍,2022.
  • 劳拉Chihara
    Chihara, Laura和Tim Hesterberg. Mathematical Statistics with Resampling 和 R (3rd edition). 威利,2022.
  • 克洛伊F和el
    Clutter, Melissa, 克洛伊F和el, Ty Ferré. 地下水的基本知识. 新星科学出版社,2022.
  • 迪安娜Haunsperger
    Haunsperger, Deanna和Della Dumbaugh. 算我一个. 美国数学学会,2022.
  • 大卫Liben-Nowell
    Connecting Discrete Mathematics 和 Computer Science. 剑桥大学出版社,2022年.
  • 丽贝卡Brueckmann
    Massive Resistance 和 Southern Womanhood. 佐治亚大学出版社,2021年.
  • 亚历克斯Knodell
    Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History. 加州大学出版社,2021年.
  • Adeeb哈立德
    Central Asia: A New History from the Imperial Conquests to the Present. 普林斯顿大学出版社,2021年.
  • Brooke McCorkle Okazaki
    Shonen Knife’s Happy Hour: Food, Gender, Rock & 卷. 布卢姆斯伯里出版社,2021.
  • 丹尼尔·格罗尔
    怀孕的人. 牛津大学出版社,2021年.
  • 内森Grawe
    The Agile College: How Institutions Successfully Navigate Demographic Changes. 约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,2021年.
  • Shaohua郭
    The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Public. 斯坦福大学出版社,2021年.
  • 克拉拉哈代
    雅典415:危机中的城市. 密歇根大学出版社,2020年.
  • 迈克尔·麦克纳利
  • Defend the Sacred: Native American Religious Freedom Beyond the First Amendment. 普林斯顿大学出版社,2020年.
  • Eric Egge
    An Introduction to Symmetric Functions 和 Their Combinatorics. 美国数学学会,2019.
  • Yansi佩雷斯
    Mas Alla Del Duello. UCA编辑,2019.
  • 豪尔赫布里
    布里奥索,豪尔赫和詹姆斯·艾尔比. A Poetic Order of Excess: Essays on Poets 和 Poetry. 绿色整数209,2019
  • 斯科特•卡彭特海伦娜考夫曼.
    Integrating Worlds: How Off-Campus Study Can TransForm Undergraduate Education. Stylus Publishing, 2019.
  • 芭芭拉·艾伦
    艾伦,芭芭拉和丹尼尔·史蒂文斯. 广告中的真相? Lies in Political Advertising 和 How They Affect the Electorate. 列克星敦图书,2019年.
  • 个中Jusova
    小组故事:社区生活. 2019.
  • 黛博拉阿普曼
    言语是无法禁锢的. W. W. 诺顿 & 公司,2019.
  • 金伯利史密斯
    保护条例. 堪萨斯大学出版社,2019年.

2. 学生奖学金

鼓励学生通过 比较,自主学习班,以及 奖学金的机会, to pursue significant scholarly work.

Here are a few examples of recent student research & 奖学金:


韦蔡23 spent a summer conducting research 和 analysis on emerging technologies in the medical field at Siemens Healthineers Innovation Center in Shanghai. Her four topics of interest were digital pathology, 手术机器人, 手术导航, 数字疗法. 在整个实习期间, Eway focused on finding start‐ups 和 products in these fields that might be good c和idates For 协作 with the company. 她的经验是由 多元文化校友网络 (MCAN) 伙伴计划.

Maia Danks, 22岁

Maia Danks, 22岁, 生物和工作室艺术双学位, traveled to Costa Rica where she worked at an animal sanctuary in Manuel Antonio National Park. Her work included caring For animals, leading tours, 和 public education. 作For一名生物专业的学生, Maia is interested in the ecological 和 animal sides of the discipline, 和 her experience at the sanctuary gave her an opportunity to both learn about conservation 和 to bond with the animals. Maia’s experience was funded by the Barry “Mike” Casper Memorial Endowment Fund.


计算机专业 哈立德·侯赛因22岁, spent a summer as the “Data For Organizing Intern” at TakeAction MN, in a role that fused leadership development with the analytical skills around data collection 和 digital organizing. The leadership development aspect entailed developing the skills 和 experience of the organizers who have worked to spur social change. The digital organizing aspect involved presenting 和 analyzing statistics about the base that had been engaged in the organization’s efForts over the past year. He also worked on various data maintenance projects to remove extraneous or duplicated data points within the databases he was using. 哈立德的经历是 Social 只是ice Internship funded through the Chaplain’s Office.


温文,2002年, a sociology 和 anthropology major with a minor in cross-cultural studies, spent time in her home country of Malaysia studying how the COVID-19 p和emic has affected the culture of wet markets, 和 the relationship between culture 和 politics in Penang. She also looked more specifically at a traditional festival, 鬼节, 和 the ways in which its organizers “​​construct the meaning of the tradition 和 the p和emic’s impact on that.她的经历是由 罗伊教授. 增加奖学金.


For他的 经典竞赛项目, 斯科特·谢弗22岁 delved into the mysterious history of a sanctuary For the Greek god Apollo built in 430 B.C.E. 在雅典古城附近. 从一个碑文开始, Scott broadened his research using textual analysis, zooming out to encompass Greek religion 和 the political dynamics of fifth century Athens. 结果是, he managed not only to shed light on a historical gray area but to recontextualize the political realities of an oft-romanticized era.

欲知更多资讯,请浏览 本科研究.

3. 教员-学生奖学金

Professor Layla Oesper 和 four students

GG电子官方软件下载 students regularly contribute to faculty scholarship, as Student 研究 Partners during break or as students enrolled in research courses during the term.

Examples of recent student-faculty collaborative work include:

Ruken Bastimar, 22岁
主管: 凯萨琳Galotti认知科学教授
其他因素: 伊莎贝拉·巴斯克斯,24岁
标题: Assessing Ways of Knowing 和 Preferences For Online vs. 在必经的人学习

The rapid spread of COVID‐19 necessitated worldwide distance learning. Previous research had identified gender‐based differences in the way students perFormed depending on the mode of instruction. Another branch of research has also identified two ways of knowing (WOK), towards which male 和 female undergraduate students had a different proclivity: females relying heavily on connected knowing (CK), 强调同理心, 协作, 不做判断, 而男性则使用分离认知(SK)。, which includes detachment from emotions, 批判性推理, 和论证. This study recruited 213 undergraduates 和 used two instruments to assess WOK 和 preferences For mode of instruction in order to determine whether gender‐based differences in WOK could predict preferences For online 和 in‐person learning. 结果, although showing clear gender differences For WOK, showed no significant correlations between WOK 和 preference For mode of learning, indicating that WOK may not be accurate predictors of student preferences For online or in‐person learning.

学生: 蒂根·约翰逊,23岁
主管: 亚伦·鲍尔, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
标题: 龙建筑师2.0

2021年夏天, 蒂根·约翰逊,23岁 和 Professor 亚伦·鲍尔 worked together to re‐implement an educational game designed to introduce basic computational ideas. The work focused on transitioning the game, 龙师, to use a variety of modern web technologies such as ReactJS 和 Typescript. The old code, written mostly in javascript, was outdated 和 difficult to comprehend. The project succeeded in its goals to make the codebase more intuitive by using ReactJS, improve the documentation of the code by adding comments to important chunks of code, 和 make the code more flexible to ensure ease of adding future extensions. The improvements will contribute to 龙师’s mission of supporting computer science education.

学生: Emily Schulenberg, 22岁
主管: 莉香安德森生物学助理教授
标题: 海洋的记忆

Ocean memory is the idea that microbes can encode specific genetic inFormation that allows them to remember various environmental conditions. This would result in microbes of the same species having different genes as a way to adapt to their individual environments. Saanich Inlet is an oxygen minimum zone off the coast of Washington State. Since oxygen levels vary by depth 和 location, microbes within Saanich Inlet may show evidence of ocean memory. This research aimed to look For indications that ocean memory is present in the area. 使用生物信息学分析, this project classified different genomes that were found in the samples. Microbial families were found to vary across depths with little overlap between the shallowest 和 deepest samples suggesting depth might determine microbial diversity.

学生: 大卫·威尔逊,22岁
主管: 乔Chihade,化学教授
其他因素: 莫莉·卡曼,22岁
标题: Exploring Helminth Aminoacyl‐tRNA Synthetases

Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, currently infect approximately 2 billion people worldwide. Existing treatment options are limited 和 many cause harmful side effects. We are working to investigate novel drug targets in these parasites. These include a family of enzymes that carries out an essential role in protein synthesis, 氨酰基必经tRNA合成酶. These enzymes attach the proper amino acid to its corresponding tRNA so that proteins can be assembled correctly. Using genomic data to predict the protein sequences, research focused on the synthetases likely to differ most in structure from human homologues. The team designed gene sequences to insert into E. coli with the intent of expressing 和 purifying the helminth enzymes. Project results were the accurate insertion of eight of the sixteen synthetases of interest 和 attempted protein expression of five.

欲知更多资讯,请浏览 本科研究.

Two students 和 a professor in a biology lab
